Republic Wire Attains Deloitte Top 100 Ranking for 13 Consecutive Years!

Republic Wire is proud to announce that we have been nominated to receive the prestigious “Deloitte Top 100” award in the City of Cincinnati for the 13th year in a row! Each year Deloitte awards the Top 100 privately held companies in the City of Cincinnati and ranks them according to size and revenue. Our first year receiving the award was in 2006 and we have received the award each consecutive year after up until this year’s announcement! Our first entry in 2006 was at number 87 in the rankings and we have steadily climbed the ladder each year with our highest-ranking reaching number 34 in 2018.

Please join us in celebrating Republic Wire maintaining and growing our position as one of the Top Privately Held companies in the Ohio Region!
(Yes, that is our CEO, Ron Rosenbeck, having a good conversation with Urban Meyer.)

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